Gifted Program

Students who perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment have learning needs that may require differentiated learning experiences beyond the general curriculum. Such experiences are those in which the content, strategies, and expectations of student performance need to be adjusted in order to be appropriate for gifted children or high performing students. Gifted and high performing students measure their success through the challenges they are able to receive, meet, and often surpass.

Because of this knowledge, the vision of the Murfreesboro City Schools Gifted Program is to identify students with high potential and exceptional performance (meet TN State requirements for eligibility as intellectually gifted) and to offer challenges that match their strengths.

“Intellectually Gifted” means a child whose intellectual abilities and potential for achievement are so outstanding the child’s educational performance is adversely affected. “Adversely affected” means the general curriculum alone is inadequate to appropriately meet the student’s educational needs. (Definition is taken from the TN State Plan for Education of the Intellectually Gifted.)

If you have questions regarding the services for gifted students in the Murfreesboro City Schools, please contact the Special Education Department at or call 615-893-2313.

Intellectually gifted students meeting special education criteria are served through a Special Education IEP. IEP eligible special education students are served appropriately according to their needs as determined by the IEP team.